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Understanding The Women's Love

The world is full of anomalies of life that is sometimes difficult to understand the reason. One is the Heart of Women.

Women's hearts are like what the heck?

Soft, hard, firm, hesitation, and a variety of flavors lainnya.Hati way this woman is a mystery throughout the ages.

Other women just hate each other sometimes because it is very difficult to understand the feelings of other women. Arguments often occur simply because a trivial problem.

Men was no less confused when it comes to women's feelings.

Women are so attention to detail. There's nothing wrong with her eyebrows a little, or shoes, or a little discolored skin after a swim, he can continue to worry and grumble all day.

In fact, when asked the men, whether they pay attention to what is often considered female if you want to attract male attention? What are their responsibilities? Apparently men are not too concerned with things that have been the concern of women. :-)

One more thing, women love to show off. Feelings will be colorful flowered when he praised. Therefore, the sexy clothes that are open here and there even used to achieve a speck of praise.

In fact, many men just curious if you see a sweet lady but wrapped in clothes that are closed.

Ken Arok be infatuated with Ken Dedes, not because of Ken Dedes maha sexy dress, but only because he saw the calf Ken Dedes 'glance' in the wind. Imagine, just a glimpse of Ken Arok was able to do so many things to get Ken Dedes. While Ken Dedes was not a virgin at the time. He was the stumps Ametung wife, and was pregnant with Ametung Wait.

Woman oh woman ... they are special :-)

Many men often ask "Do not understand what he wants me, so I need something?"

Here, I love tips, how to understand and compromise with women's feelings:

Women like to be heard. So when he's angry, listen saja.Kalau diladeni, seven days and seven nights, he hold a fight!

Women like dilembuti. Never ever rude to women because women can be more rough.

Women love to be few surprises. Do not have to give gold diamond on his wife, just kiss tenderly on the forehead but soft loving.

Touch of women with true love. This will make women love to love more.

Pay attention at all times. When the bed was actually women want to be noticed. Ketersipuannya note indicating his pleasure.

Always send words of affectionate teasing nan. Although the words of love plain, not for women. The words "I miss you dear", or "a day without hearing your voice, I'll go mad", or "Only you make me crazy", was enough to make her heart soar to the heavens go. Thrilling recesses of his heart and soul.

Women are unique and special. Loved him, and you'll get thousands of times as her love.

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