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Being Wanted Men

4 type of guy who loved a woman


Helo guys, ever tried ngedeketin girl but not get?

That girl even turned to the other guy?

Helo guys, you are at your girlfriend broke up because he ditikung another guy?

I'm not discussing here about loyalty. But the type of girl you in the face.

She's got its own judgment and interests of boys.

My first ever chase a girl.

And I'm not messing around after him.

I spent 2 years for learning how to make her smile.

But I learned that there is something that I can not force it.

He has his own tastes and interests.

She likes the same minimal expression Guys, cool style, and minimal smile.

That's all I type is inversely proportional. That's why I always fail.

Honestly, I really ni purposely vent.

Ok, here you can see the types of guys that like how good a woman's heart churned uncertain ..


Yeah. Guys this type is a symbol of mystery.

He was not ever trying to show his true identity.

It looks cool, minimal look, economical smile, and even emotions are his trademark.

Initially I have thought if a guy like this type would be hard to attract the attention of girls.

But I'm wrong.

Why type of guy girls like this make the flounder?

Yeah kind of guy gini can not smile instead.

But doski nyimpen not smile for everyone.

Once smile, straight girl would behhhh salting!

Its like that make a girl haunted by a sense of curiosity.

She's made most if not willing curious. That's the point ..

Normally cool like this guy already granted a handsome face.

Usually .. types like this guy ni like Nicholas Saputra, Ryan Backstreet Boys, Keanu Reeves. Whatever they want as funny, cool fall tetep wrote.

Already ingrained ..


Well if the type of W & H is the opposite of the type of cool.

Typical guy like this is a symbol of warmth and Kehumorisan.

Its funny, full of expression, and ready smile are traits that easily found from this guy.

Of all type of guy, the type of W & H is a specialized type of comfort is above average.

This is what makes women uncomfortable to linger near a guy like this.

He can forget the equally sad. Created a smile, mesem, until at a time lol.

Comfortable. Hey gurls, Do ya interest when wasting time with cozy da guy? That's the point ..

Usually looks like this guy is not number one.

But the ability to become the number one console.

You can check when radityadika, Desta, Vincent Rompies show again.

That's why the type of W & H is so deadly ..


Lu not have to imagine if a guy is a guy who pake nerd glasses, center-parting hair, geeky, and it works just learning. That's really corny.

Type of nerd / smart are manifestations of insight and professionalism.

The type of guy like this is a neat guy most of all type of guy.

He was most gallant.

Neatness, greasy, and the professional gayannya so easy to be found of this kind of guy.

This guy plays the insight to speak.

If you are talking to him, must be immediately disconnected.

Even when you talk about things outside his field.

She does not hesitate to come talk.

Yeah. Most of these guys are usually emang clever.

If yes akedemis skills social skills.

Because of his extensive insight into where.

I like this guy could be like Choky Sitohang gambarin, Uli Hetinansyah, Hilbram Dunar. etc.

Hey girl, you talked to a guy who seneng disjointed, wide horizons, and professional?

Yeah. That's the point ..


Nerjemahin if you do not jump a guy like this is the type of guy wildly out of control.

Gayannya emang very typical.

Guys kind of guy gini is an adventurer.

He was a bit sloppy.

Inversely proportional to the type of Nerd / Smart. He really know how to have fun.

His motto is "I waste my time for Happines"

The type of guy like this that really know the places that make you entertained.

Surprise is his hobby.

Rather than go to theaters, invites you chose him over the chase in the desert with a look in the blue sky reeds.

Lu could temuin types like this in the Vino Bastian or Herjunot Ali. etc.

Yeah guys are the perfect Wild type of Enjoyments.

Hey girl, you seneng same guy hanging out? Seneng clubbing? Seneng Traveling? Culinary seneng Hunter? Just come to our braces ..

The conclusion is a mystery, warmth - Kehumorisan, insight, professionalism, and Enjoyments.

That's four fundamental keys of each type of guy in a girl's heart troubled and addicted. What the ..

Which type are you?

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