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Main Menu Engineering

- Storing data used machine (activation code, type of connection via

   Ethernet, USB, Serial)
- There are no restrictions on the number of machines
- Download & Upload user (simple and advanced)
- Download & Upload attlog (simple and advanced)
- Unique user PIN (not to be twins, although different machines)
- Machine settings (machine information, the timing of the engine, clear machine data)
- Auto Download attlog (per mesin).
- Real Time scan.


Main Menu Employees

- There are no restrictions on the number of employees
- There are no restrictions on the number of shifts (hours)
- Shift (hours) could have a full 24-hour duration
- Can handle the shift (hours) next
- PIN uniquely employees (no twins)
- Employees put in their respective departments
- Each employee can have a lot of basic schedule
- Import from Excel facility provided in 2 ways (custom and default)
- Photos of employees is also used when scanning in real time mode


Main Menu Schedule

- Shift (work hours) to provide initial overtime, breaks range 2 times, the final overtime and    overtime dropped out
- Resting can be divided into three types, namely mandatory, not mandatory, and       
   overtime compensation
- There are no restrictions on the number of basic itinerary
- Permission attendance, including the present, permission, leave, sickness, holidays, 3   
   reserve permits, work activity, activity not work and other activities
- Basic schedule is divided by type of periods (daily and weekly)
- Determination of the effective date of a flexible schedule
- Basic schedule attached directly to the employee
- Basic schedule can handle an automatic schedule or timetable rolling early
- Type rolling period can be divided into two, namely the daily and weekly
- The start of the entry into force of basic flexible schedule
- Determining flexible public holidays
- The setting can be manually work schedule (schedule per employee) or automatic shift


Attendance Permit

Permission scan, including scan incoming forget, forget scan out, forget the scan start a   
   break, forget the scan is complete rest, forget the scan start overtime, overtime forget to 
   scan finishes, plus scan, permission came too late, quick return permit, the permit is not
   break (to break required)

-  Schedule per employee, in one day provided two shifts (hours)
    SPL (warrant overtime), apply when in public settings calculation
    overtime set using SPL


Main Menu Common Settings

- There are 2 How to use, advanced and simple
- Setting the index of overtime, applicable when calculating overtime 
   using the index of overtime

- Flexible shift arrangements
- User permissions, user grouped into user groups
- Activation payroll module and the SMS gateway
- Calculation of the report, to specify the units used in the respective reporting period recap
Database settings, features in it include language change, delete scanlog, the database   
   connection settings, features database backup, restore feature database and the database   


Main Menu Reporting

- The draft report, in which has been detailed above
- Reports can be printed directly correspond print preview is displayed, it can also be   

   exported into several file extention, including export to Excel, XML, HTML, Text, CSV 
   and PDF
- All reports are available equipped with a search filter to facilitate the user to view and 

   process data in accordance with the type of each report
- Print preview a report that can be changed according to user needs


Module Payroll

- Employees are grouped within each salary group, the manufacturing group based on 

   shared salary salary components owned
- Formula salary components in each group can be different salary 

   (the same components, the formula can be different)
- 2 kinds of differentiated salary component, the reception and pieces
- Calculation period can be distinguished two types of components, such as daily and period 

   based on a date range of the calculation process
The calculation of the components can be distinguished three ways, namely normal, 
   terraced replace.
- Value for money employee's salary components may be different from the default value in 
   the group payroll
- Employee loan features, distinguished by type of loan
- How to calculate the interest on the loan employees there are 2 kinds of flat rate (average 

   rate) and the sliding rate (interest decreased)
- Loan payments as evidence processed payroll deduction employee salaries
- Employee payroll process is very flexible, can be determined according to the date of the 

   period, based on the group salary and is based on salary components
- Equipped selection include installment loans or not
- The draft report, in which has been detailed above
- Storage database separate SMS receiver with FTM

FTM Downloader is an application for downloading data Presence in the machine according to the scheduled time for each machine (in a form the machine), this application runs in the background (system tray) and can also be set so that the startup.

All reports are available equipped with a search filter to facilitate the user to view and process data in accordance with the type of each report.


- Group settings along with the member-members for sending SMS
- Global receiver and receiver of employees
- Send SMS to yourself
- SMS Scan & SMS not Scan
- SMS delivery schedule settings (Overtime Earlier, Sign, Home, End Overtime)
- Scan SMS delivery according to schedule / in real time
- Modem settings


Settings can be changed according to user needs

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